Ayano: Hello, everyone. I’m Ayano. This is Eri, Yukimi and Hisashi. We’re gonna talk about fashion. We interviewed 150 KGU students, 42 boys and 108 girls. First topic is color of clothing and seasonal clothes. Second topic is clothes and their appearance. Third topic is boy’s and girl’s ideal appearance. First, Eri is gonna talk about color of clothing and seasonal clothes.
Eri: Thank you Ayano. First, I’m gonna talk about color of clothing and seasonal clothes. We asked them “Do you ever wear hats?” 32% said that they ever wear hats and 68% said that they don’t. Next, we asked them “What seasonal clothing do you have the most of?” 32% said spring, 26% summer, 19% fall and 23 % winter. In addition, 43% said that they have clothing of black the most, 24% said white, 9 % said grey and 24% said others.Next, we asked them “Do you follow a fashion trend?” 42% said Yes and 58% said No. 74% said that they choose clothes in the morning and others do that night before.
Ayano: Thank you Eri. Next, Yukimi is gonna talk about clothes and their appearance.
Yukimi: Thank you Ayano. I’m gonna talk about clothes and their appearance. First, we asked them “which do you like better, high school uniform or casual wear?” 37% said that they like high school uniform better than casual wear and 63% said that they like casual wear better than high school uniform. Second, we asked them “Are your parents careful about their appearance?” 28% said Yes and 72% said No. Next, we asked boys “If you meet a girl for the first time, which do you look at his face or clothes?” 59% said that they look at his face and others look at clothes. In addition, we asked boys “If you meet a girl for the first time, which do you look at her face or clothes?” 76% said that they look at her face and others look at clothes. Next, we asked girls “If you meet a girl for the first time, which do you look at her face or clothes?” 70% said that they look at her face and others said that they look at clothes. In addition, we asked girls “If you meet a boy for the first time, which do you look at his face or clothes?” 65% said that they look at his face and others look at clothes.
Ayano: Thank you Yukimi. Finally, Hisashi is gonna talk about boy’s and girl’s ideal appearance.
Hisashi: Thank you Ayano. I’m gonna talk about boy’s and girl’s ideal appearance. First, we asked boys “Which do you like the best, a girl who wears torenka, leggings, tights or bare feet?” 16% said that they like a girl who wears torenka the best, 29% said leggings, 33% said tights and 22% said bare feet. Next, we asked girls “Which do you prefer wearing torenka, leggings, tights and bare feet?” 28% said that they like torenka the best, 22% said leggings, 34% said tights and 16% said bare feet. Second, we asked boys “Which do you like the best, a girl who wears sandals, sneakers, pumps, getas or bare feet?” 43% said that they like a girl who wears sandals the best, 17% said sneakers, 35% said pumps, 4% said getas and 0.6% said bare feet. Next, we asked girls “which do you prefer wearing sandals, sneakers, pumps, getas or bare feet?” 41% said that they prefer wearing sandals, 18% said sneakers, 33% said pumps, 4% said getas and 4% said bare feet.
Ayano: Thank you Hisashi. Now we’ll finish our presentation. Thank you for listening to it!