Thursday, May 6, 2010

May 1th

I went to my family's grave with my mother and my grandma. My grandma went thare by her compact car. I rode that so it was very comfortable. While we came back my grandpa's house, we called at a store. This is the only store in the area. We bought some foods there. By the way, I introduce a bath of my grandpa's house. It is outside and we must heat it with some woods. This is Goemonburo!!!!! This pisture is that. The Goemonburo of my grandpa's house is so old. It isn't big like a Goemonburo of this picture. Formerly, that were used people in the area. When I took the Goemonburo, I conrived. I noticed that I don't have any towels. For a minute, I was standing up to dry my body in a bathroom. And I heard my grandma's voice, I called "Bachaaaaan!!" I asked her to bring some towels. While I took it, Shizukosensei came my grandpa's house. When my grandma brought that, I heard that Shizukosensei gave me money from my grandma. My grandma said me "I go to Nakamurasan's house with Shizukosensei. So shall you go there and you must acknowledge her." I put on clothes, I dried my hair with a hair drier hastily. I was going to thank for her and I thought I came back my grandpa's house soon. But while we talked, I gave two cup of greenteas, chikuwas, biscuits and foods boiled and seasoned. It made of bamboo shoots, tohus, carrots. Shizukosensei put that my right hand. My right hand was full. That was so delicious!!!!!
(267 words)

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